Monday, August 01, 2005

Cold Beer for Starkville and Oxford?

The Starkville Board of Aldermen will address the issue of allowing cold beer this Tuesday at their biweekly meeting. I have always been of the belief that alcohol does not have intoxicating effects until at least 20 to 30 minutes after it is consumed. Thus, the argument that hot beer prevents drunk driving has never flown with me. In my opinion, this issue is long overdue, though it should not be Starkville's top priority. If the beer laws are amended, old Highway 82 is revitalized, and Starkville builds a convention center, Dan Camp may go down as the most effective mayor that Mississippi State's hometown has ever seen. The first step will be decided Tuesday night before 9:00.

If Starkville allows the sale of cold beer, I predict that Oxford will follow suit within the next month. With this move, Mississippi's college towns will finally move into the twentieth century. Who knows, my great, great-grandson may see Sunday beer sales and the arrival of sports bars in these 2 cities. In reality, I've heard that Oxford may be getting a good sports bar in the near future next door to the Library. D.J. Mario may have some competition.

For more details and an explanation on why hot beer laws could be unconstitutional , click here. If anyone cares, I did read the AG's opinion [MS AG Op., Perkins (September 4, 1998)] and it was just as vague as this article.


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